How effective baking soda is in proper maintenance of carpets? This is a common query that does its rounds pretty often and a large number of people are eager to know the answer. So, let us dedicate this blog to carpets and baking soda or how the two go hand in hand in extending the life of your precious décor item. With the right use of baking soda it is not only possible but also easy in keeping your carpet looking clean and healthy as well as smelling fresh. It is important to mention that regular vacuuming is the basic maintenance for any carpet but along with that occasional deep cleaning is also important. Deep cleaning carpets are usually costly affair. Just adding a sprinkle of baking soda to the mix proves unbelievably effective to get rid of stains, odours and dirt from the depths of the fibres of any carpet.
It is quite natural for carpets to pick up stench or nasty odour from every day wear and tear resulting from your shoes, spillage of foods and drinks, pets and other such factors. Among everything else under the sun baking soda is the perfect cleaner for your carpets that also helps you create a clean, safe and hygienic environment in your indoors for your household members. In addition to that the standard kitchen item also proves an inexpensive solution to clear away tough stains from the depths of your carpet and when you make use of baking soda to get rid of stains you actually reduce your carbon footprint as you do not use any harsh, toxic chemical like those commercially manufactured cleansers. According to a professional who provides the service of emergency carpet cleaning near me in London over the years, in easier words this means you make a great choice in keeping every household member including pets healthy.
Let us explore deeper into how effective baking soda proves to be in restoring the appearance of almost every kind of carpet that exists in the world by getting rid of stench, odour and stains. Baking soda is a reliable solution for both greasy and non greasy stains although you have to take a slightly different approach with these two types of stain. It is important to mention that irrespective of the type of stains, any stain is much easier to clear away when you take immediate action while the stain is still fresh. So, whenever you deal with stains on your carpet remember the sooner you take action the better results it yields.
Clearing away non greasy stains using baking soda
As far non greasy stains are concerned the range of stains is much easier to get rid of from almost any kind of rug or carpet when you use baking soda. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps to satisfactorily resolve your problem.
- First you start with vacuuming the carpet thoroughly and get rid of dust, grits, and dander, loose soil other unwanted substances.
- In the next step sprinkle sufficient quantity of baking soda on stained areas.
- Make use of a warm towel or (even a damp tea towel will do) piece of cloth over the baking soda and cover it up. Make sure the warm towel or cloth that you use is moist but not dripping wet.
- Now the preparatory task is done, leave this setup for at least an hour although the longer the time you allow the better are the results. This is because the more time baking soda gets the better magic it can work out.
- It is now time again to vacuum the carpet to remove baking soda and this time while vacuuming you must do it in direction of the pile.
In case a little stain still remains visible then you have to repeat the procedure again only on the targeted spots.
Clearing away greasy stains using baking soda
Removing greasy stains from any carpet or rug is more cumbersome compared to removing non greasy stains. We have broken down the procedure in the following simple steps for you to execute easily.
- As a preparatory step you have to blot the stains using a clean piece of cloth or a kitchen towel. But make sure only to blot it and not scrub or rub. Blotting helps removing as much of the grease as possible and this in turn makes your overall task easier.
- Now sprinkle sufficient quantity of baking soda on the stain and leave it like that for as much time as possible. If you can leave it overnight, then that will be best as far as cleaning is concerned suggests an emergency carpet cleaner near me.
- In the next step vacuum up the baking soda from the carpet surface and hopefully those greasy stains will also be gone. In case the stains are still noticeable in that case you have to apply very small quantity of any washing up liquid to blot the stain with.
- Now you have to blot up the soapy water and for that you need a clean towel and water but make sure not to rub or scrub on the treated spots as that may spread the grease deeper inside.
- Get the treated area dried as much as possible and then sprinkle more baking soda to those spots and leave for few hours. Then vacuum up the baking soda again.
Use of baking soda to deodorise carpets
- Just in other cases, in this one too first you have to vacuum your carpet to get rid of dust, dirt, dander, grits, pet hair and other such substances.
- Then sprinkle adequate quantity of baking soda on the carpet surface.
- Allow baking soda to settle down on the carpet for at least half an hour (however if the odour is more persistent then you should better leave it overnight).
- Then vacuum up the baking soda from the carpet and you will notice the stench or odour is also gone at the same time.
Advantages of using baking soda to clean carpets
Baking soda not only cleans and deodorises carpets thoroughly but also offers certain advantages which include the following –
- This common kitchen item is absolutely harmless even for children and pets.
- It is quite easily affordable and is readily available across grocery stores and supermarkets point out trained and experienced professionals working at the renowned VIP Carpet Cleaning London.
- It not only clears away stains and gives your carpets a rejuvenated appearance but also removes bad odours and stenches at the same time.